2008년 4월 17일 목요일

20601016 Entry-6

Which one will be better: Casual or hardcore?

+ Research on the market.
- In doing research for generating maximum profit, knowing main customers is very important. We should find out which customer is majority of all or which customers are willing to buy at high cost. Also, we need to know what the customers are considering most for example, higher, quality, lower price. As there is saying “The beginning is the half of the whole.” A market planning by customers needs is the most essential thing. That way in the long run your company will be more successful and improved.

+ Analysis on game industry
- There are three main game players which are Nintendo’s wii, Microsoft’s xbox360, or playstation3. As we can assume, a target that we should aim for the game industry is teenagers. Who are they? Most of them don’t want to think seriously or study hard on anything, so usually they pursue games that really simple. In this point, to get teenagers attention, making games simple is most important.(simplicity) In the article, the reason of wii’s dominant selling in the market is; Nintendo’s wii was focused on casualty whereas the others were focused on hardcore. In this point before you start a business you should find out who your customers are and what they might needs.

+ A tendency of characteristics of game
- As we get something more, we want more and more of it. As same with this in terms of game industry, we want more virtual, exciting, stimulus visuals as it fills up our desires little by little. Therefore, in the future, games will be turned more stimulus, violent, and virtual. While teenagers(main users) playing games, they might be influenced by these tendencies of games. Therefore, there is chance that it will bring about some social or ethical problems.

+Future game industry
- As technology has been developed so much, we could enjoy our leisure. Therefore, game industry is also will grow in the future. These days, people do so much care about health(so as to be called)”well-being”. I think a game which we can enjoy by actually using our body would be popular in the future. How interesting a connection between game and sports!
student NO. 20601016

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