2008년 6월 5일 목요일

20601011 Entry #13

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World Famous Skateboard Company


Element is the one of the biggest skateboard company in the world. They sell skateboard, clothes, shoes, and accessories for women and men. It is a kind of simple business, however, it also do many differentiation in each products quality. Most American and Europe age 10 to 30 likes to watch skate board demon show. They might buy one skateboard from markets when they were young. There are also many skateboard markets. To be the best company in the world, Elements differentiate the price, quality, and make sponsor for pro-skater to use their products.


When people think of skateboard, they would think skateboarding as extreme sports. Many teenager thinks skateboarder as cool. Even in S.Korea, skateboard fashion was boomed. Usually, skateboard companies do not advertisement. However, Elements quickly target the teenager and maniac to the skateboard. They did advertisement by using their sponsor stars like Bam Magera and Tony Hawk by demo show. It has great effects to the young people in America. They sold their skateboard and many clothes more than usual


Elements open many program for young kids, such as educational program, skate program, camp program, and events for skate competition. This is the most different things from other skateboard company. One of the reasons why is that many adults think skateboarder as funk, This programs change their view of skateboarder. This program also changes the quality of element skateboard as best in the world. When people think of elements, it is the best.


“A non-profit, youth based organization. The mission of Element Awareness is to reach out to youth through the avenue of skateboarding and education, in order to develop self-esteem, awareness, and tools to lead successful lives.”

My opinion for Elements

They started their business in 1992. They grow their company as top skateboard company in the world. It still shortage of international market. Even, they could grow bigger than now. They are not really concerning for the international market. They should check each countries culture and needs to check their service system and sell their products. The weakest points for all skateboard company are after service. Any skateboard company who overcome this weakest points will be the recognized.


Johnny Schilleref, Element Mission, http://www.elementskateboards.com/mission/,1992

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