2008년 6월 12일 목요일

20601016 entry#--14

iPhone takes one the world

original article: Business week June 6 2008

iPhone is now trying to release their sixth big product to the world for all our sake. Apple which is well known for its multi-media player iPod is now focusing on iPhone following technological trend. iPhone as a succession of iPod contains everything that preexistent iPod was having. However, Apple has officially launched the iPhone in only couple of countries; the US, Britain, France, Germany, Austria, and Ireland. Now, the company has an ambition trying to expand its area to all over the to reach international markets.

Incessant innovation through R&D
To get the most out of something, we should think over and over about and make an every effort to achieve it. At this point, Apple’s iPhone is doing so well. It is preparing to release its new product after long studies. They work and study for a better product as world’s famous soccer coach Hidink had said “I’m still hungry.” after winning Spanish in semi-final of 2002 World-cup when he was leading Korean team. So, new product will likely be able to run on speedier wireless networks, also it may boast improved navigation services, and it's expected to support a batch of new software tools and features made by third-party developers.

Extend markets to all over the world
As I’ve mentioned at the very begging of this essay, until now, Apple has officially launched the iPhone in only six countries; the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Austria, and Ireland. But Apple's recent agreements with wireless carriers around the globe will bring the iPhone into an additional 64 countries by the end of the year. The two latest deals, announced June 4, are with Telefónica in Spain and Softbank in Japan.

Bigger seller that Blackberry?
At the beginning of the business apple has concentrated on its domestic market(the US) and naturally most of its income came out from US selling smart phone. Market research firm DIC pegs Apple's share of the U.S. market for smart wireless phones at 19%, behind Research In Motion's BlackBerry, which has a 44% share, and ahead of Palm's 13% share. However, when it last disclosed sales, Apple had sold 4 million iPhones globally, so it’s so promising that it will dominate lots of world in the future. Although the situation is not going so well now, if something has its own outstanding strategy and spirit, it can be changed any time.

We just think that present Apple(iPhone) has easily made by certain luck or their smart-easy working and so forth. But as we look through all, their source of power and success is not because of good luck or other factors but because of their unlimited hard-working, studies, creativity. We, as future leading businessmen should change our mind if we still tend to be satisfied with what we have or having inertia. What is Apple doing now? They never waste time. They are busy thinking new products, studying for better system, expanding their market to every single countries etc. These are the things that we should learn and work hard on these days when we do business.


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