2008년 6월 13일 금요일

Entry # 18 20600331

My Opinion/Summary:

Underinsured Americans and uninsured Americans have been the norm in the United States and have increased since 2001. This is not a good strategic plan for the United States. Families in all income levels have increase in the number of those families who were either underinsured or uninsured. One big problem is the percent increase in the cost of the premium for these coverages. The percentage increase since 2001 has been seventy-eight percent. However, the wage increase among workers in America has only been seventeen percent, meanwhile, inflation over the past seven years has been seventeen percent.
Another problem that they are facing is that just because someone owns health coverage; it does not mean that all of the medical costs would be covered. Plans like the HMO and others in the United States have failed the public so many times that the American public does not trust the insurance companies anymore.
Health costs that have been the burden of employers are now being felt more and more by employees. With health care plans offered by employers becoming more and more limited, angrier employees and more disgruntled employees may surface. This also leads to the problem of underinsured Americans.
Therefore, the United States must act and put in policy that would allow Americans to become more and more adequately insured.


Millions with insurance still face serious financial, health risk
Thursday June 12, 1:30 pm ET
By Kristen Gerencher

Number of underinsured up 60% last year vs. 2003, study finds
Despite the U.S. economy's growth in the last five years, the number of people with health insurance who face high out-of-pocket medical expenses relative to their incomes has risen sharply since 2003, according to a new study.
More than 25 million working-age Americans were underinsured last year, up 60% from the 16 million who had inadequate coverage in 2003, according to a report from the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation in New York. The rate of underinsurance nearly tripled among middle- and higher-income families, those with at least $40,000 in family income.
"Lack of insurance is only one part of the problem, as even the insured have serious gaps in coverage," said Karen Davis, president of the Commonwealth Fund. "Insurance coverage is the ticket into the health-care system, but for too many, that ticket doesn't buy financial security or genuine access to care."
The upward trend in the underinsured rate reflects how much rising health-care costs have outpaced wage gains. Premiums for family coverage have jumped 78% since 2001, while wages have risen 19% and general inflation has gone up 17% in that time, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Researchers considered people who had coverage all year long underinsured if they had out-of-pocket medical, prescription, dental and vision expenses that amounted to 10% or more of their total household income, or 5% if they were low income. People who had deductibles equal to or greater than 5% of their income also qualified as underinsured because of their potential financial exposure.
During 2007, 42% of adults, or 75 million people, were either uninsured or underinsured, up from one-third in 2003, according to the study of 2,616 people ages 19 to 64. It was published online Tuesday in the journal Health Affairs.
Similar patterns to uninsured
Employers burdened by rapidly rising health-care costs have been shifting more of those costs to workers or limiting benefits, the study found. The underinsured were more likely to have individual or small-group coverage, and those with employer-based health insurance were more likely to work in low-wage jobs or at small firms than their adequately insured counterparts. What's more, the underinsured were more likely to report paying high deductibles and many paid high annual premiums.
The underinsured often resembled the uninsured more so than the insured in their health-care choices and experiences. More than half of the underinsured -- 53% -- and 68% of the uninsured avoided needed care because of cost, compared with 31% of the adequately insured who went without, the study found. That includes not seeing a doctor when sick, not filling prescriptions and not getting recommended diagnostic tests or treatments.
About 45% of the underinsured reported difficulty paying medical bills, being contacted by collection agencies or changing their way of life to keep up on health-care payments, just shy of the 51% of uninsured who said the same.
In the U.S., even people with health insurance can rack up medical debt or face bankruptcy, said Cathy Schoen, senior vice president of the Commonwealth Fund. "As a nation we are losing ground. We need to move in new directions."
Leon Rousso, a certified financial planner in Ventura, Calif., who sells health insurance as part of his business, said he tries to place moderate-income people in health plans that have a sensible annual out-of-pocket maximum and reasonable coverage for their biggest potential out-of-pocket costs. Sometimes that means moving them to a higher deductible plan in exchange for lower premiums.
Of course, many people have to take whatever their employer offers them, he said.
Insured people "don't really have a lot of clout," Rousso said. "Middle to lower middle class, that's really where the vulnerable spot is. You see a lot of people who don't have a lot of money."
Those who shop for their own plan are wise to look for coverage of big-ticket items. Rousso advised focusing on financial protection for hospitalization charges and prescription drugs.
"Those are the biggest places to lose your fortune," he said. "It's all about protecting your assets."
Many of the underinsured are in scaled-down, more affordable health plans, said Nancy Davenport-Ennis, chief executive of the nonprofit Patient Advocate Foundation in Newport News, Va. The group tries to help people with chronic, debilitating and life-threatening conditions get the care they need, with 78% of its annual cases involving cancer patients.
"We actually found that an underinsured consumer has a tougher time getting to resources than a completely uninsured consumer," she said.
The underinsured are often in plans that have limits such as dollar caps on diagnoses and specific services and restrictions on the number and kind of drugs covered, which can undercut the kind of aggressive care many cancer patients count on, Davenport-Ennis said.
"In affordable plans, it's almost standard to see a cap on the number of radiation visits you can have a year - somewhere between 12 and 15 -- while most cancer therapies that have radiation as part of the treatment protocol historically require six consecutive weeks of daily treatments," she said. "If you're capped at 12, you're going to be a private-pay person for the next 18."
The Patient Advocate Foundation offers free case management for health-insurance issues of the seriously ill. Its hotline is 1-800-532-5274 .
Controversy over cost controls
The U.S. spends enough on health care -- 16% of its gross domestic product -- to extend adequate health insurance to all, said Alan Sager, a health policy and management professor at Boston University's School of Public Health.
"It's something everyone wants and deserves, and crafting durably affordable health care is essential to rebuilding the economy," he said.
"If we continue to accelerate toward the cliff, we'll be spending more money on care but will have more uninsured and underinsured people, which means hospitals and doctors will work harder to overserve those of us who still have good insurance."
In Massachusetts, a statewide reform law passed in 2006 that aimed to cover all residents "took an important step" but introduced new tensions, he said, especially around politically palatable cost-control methods. Many of the ones currently in vogue in national politics as well won't do the trick, Sager said.
"The ideas that are under widespread political discussion -- electronic medical records, prevention, chronic-care case management or deinsuring patients so they will be more motivated to shop by price and quality -- none of these things will work to contain costs," Sager said. "They're all being pushed because they offer the shallow political promise of containing costs without actually disrupting business as usual in health care. Business as usual in health care means regular, large infusions of more money every year."
Still, Sager said he's optimistic that the next five years will bring major improvements in the nation's health-care system.
"We all know we're medically vulnerable because none of us is going to live forever, but as more of us realize that we're also financially vulnerable, we'll demand change and [solutions] that work financially, medically, ethically and politically."

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