2008년 6월 13일 금요일

20501034 Entry 15

Transforming Giants
Original Article
From the interview with Havard Business School professor,
Moth Kanter in Chosun Ilbo on May 10 2008

Many people has stereotype about the big corporations. However, this is the different era. The giants companies could be also fast and flexible.IBM, P&G, Cemex, Cisco, Banco Real, these are the world renowned companies which is fast and flexible. The professor found the common things from those companies.

In the one hand, they globalized themselves. On the other hand, they localized. They standardize but at the same time innovate. They emphasize on universality and diversity. Not only this, they tey to realize value creation and social contribution. They grow not only "Soft Asset; people, culture, and responsibilities" but also "Hard asset; techonologies and product innovation"

My opinion

I have been seeing that many huge corporations like Enron, Daewoo, Worldcom went into bankruptcy. However, I think it will be hard to see the large corporation falling down in the future. The giants of the present have a lot possibilities to remain as the giants in the future.

I found the similar evolution of the enterprise with evolution of the poitics. Socio-economic has been improved experiencing trial and error. According to the Karl Marx, socio-economic system has been through primitive, slavery, medieval, capitalism, socialism and the final stage he predicted is communism. Communism as a last resort could be controversial but the initial intention of communism is to distribute the goods as many people as possible and everybody can share what they deserve. I believe the business will follow those development steps as socio-economic system does.
From the past, companies have been expanding its boundary. Family to the town. Town to the province. Province to the nation. And the nation to the globe. Once globalized, the companies realized how important to sustainably develop satisfying and feeding all the members who involved. They should keep middle income family through contributing and helping, so that they can keep pumping money from out of them. Therefore, they contribute the society and try to grow with the world that they are surrounded by.

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