2008년 3월 20일 목요일

2. Basic skill for the customer-centered business management

original article:

-The most important Business strategy:

How to catch customers mind?-

* As Aristotle said “man is by nature political animal”, we cannot live alone. We live together in group or organization. Being together, we share our life in physically and mentally. That way we know and help each other. To make this good interactive relationship settled, winning the favor of people is really important. Therefore, we should listen to people very carefully, and make an effort to fill up their needs. This is basic and core of business marketing strategy.

* In relationship with others, we tend to have our own way rather than to listen to others or think in their position. That’s because most people think it’s easier and certain way to persuade customers. However, the desirable way to lead to successful business is the way that respect customer and consider their affairs as our own. “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law and the prophets.”(Matthew 7: 12) supports this theory well.

* Then, how do we listen to others well? First of all, we should show them a favor and respond. Here is a good example of bill gates. As we know, he is the most successful CEO in the world. He is not only a genius but also a good listener. He likes to listen to others showing response like ‘Really, Excellent, What happened then’. In this way, we can get our customers ready so that they could easily get attracted by us. Finally, we can yield profit which we aimed. Next, we should approach to the customers repeatedly with patience. We are prone to give up easily, when things are not going well. However, to make our customers to be on our side, we should give tires many times. Like there’s saying “No pains, No gains” we need to take pains to gain what we want to. The secret of business success starts from respecting others and listening to others carefully. Let’s take our step to successful business world by doing so.

-Unforgettable experience in my life-

Knowing it through our lives

*I was serving the military as a KATUSA(Korean Augmented Troops to United States Army) about 2years ago. At that time, I was work for chaplain. As a chaplain assistant, my job was giving a gospel to soldiers who don’t know God and also counseling soldiers who are in any sorrow or hurt. I have a great experience showing about the importance of listening to others carefully.

*One day when I was a sergeant(병장) a private(이병) was passing by the chapel. I stopped him and told him to come on in my office giving him a drink. I told him. “Since you are in low rank you might be in some hardships.” He replied “No sergeant!” And I talk back to him “I know what you’ve been going through. Because I was exactly in the same shoes where you are now” However, he still hesitate to say something which he is severely suffering from.

*After few moments, finally he broke silent and talked everything that makes him hard. For 10minutes, I just sat next to him and listen to him carefully showing my response. In the middle of his talk he started crying and asked me to give him an advice. At that time I realized how powerful listening to somebody. We can sting people’s mind by just listening to them.

네이버 영어사전

Student#: 20601016

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