2008년 3월 28일 금요일

20501034 - Entry 3

During Korean war, the pictures of the most extremely severe battle like Aprokgang(압록강) combat were only taken and reported by Life magazine that was using Nikon camera and lens. When it comes to camera’s and lens’ function, until now Nikon is regarded as the most reliable company. How they develop their company as a world renowned camera company?

History of Nikon
The moment Nikon launch into camera industry was just after World War 2, November 1945. Japanese Optical Engineering that had grown as a military enterprise was trying to find a new market that they could apply their optical technology. Soon they found camera industry which is perfectly fit for their company. The first compact camera’s brand name was Nikon.

Nikon’s Strategy

Organizing Nikon Club
Nikon organizes community that is made of professional photographer and it has been running more than 40 years. The number of community member is around 180,000 and they passionately support Nikon as Apple users do.

Running Nikon Salon
Nikon Salon is photo exhibition that is located in the most crowded commercial area, Tokyo, Ginja. The pictures being hung on in Nikon Salon are all excellent work and they were taken by using Nikon camera and lens. This is not only social place for Nikon users but the place where whole Japanese professional or amateur photographers debut. Nikon also promotes their new camera and lens. This is strategically very significant place of Nikon’s brand promotion.

Recommending World renowned Photographer Nikon
Nikon recommends world renowned photographers who work for newspaper, magazine to use Nikon’s camera and lens. This promotion forms some kind of impression that people who use Nikon are likely to be professional and look cool.

Pursuing high quality
To have better quality, Nikon has been operating 2 or 3 more quality control steps than market competitors. In fact, Nikon camera and lens are being estimated durable and uniformed functional. However, the shape of camera isn’t look good and seems to be all same, but they emphasize on their function and quality not design. This consistent strategy formed mutual trust with their customers.

Focusing on R&D
The center of Nikon organization is Engineer group. Engineer always come up with new idea and lead development of new product. They are also fully supported by management. Many times, Nikon sell asset like land or building to invest R&D. This R&D oriented mind can be seen in promotion. 7 out of 9 president are started their career in Nikon as an Engineer.

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