2008년 3월 13일 목요일

1. Toyota's Tonopoly

Original Article

Home-Run for the Toyota’s Customer

There are much competition around Car marketing. Toyota’s business strategy is going for the differentiation, which considers customer’s pocket. Toyota's main strategy for the car marketing is that the best customer service and electronic car business with their monopoly system in United States.
  • First Hit for the Marketing
Toyota’s point is that “Despite the distributor profit, customers don't pay higher prices,” and they also pointed that “Who pays the extra costs?” Marketing strategy for the Toyota is customer satisfaction. Customer could feel that they had a good deal with car dealer. Customer would feel that they do not pay any skimming price of car. Even, Toyota don’t higher car price that their independent distributor make much money by operating system.

  • Second Hit for the Operation
Toyota has advantages that they control price, mixing product, trim package and marketing plans. To use this advantages, Toyota’s distributors sale all the spare part to create their finance by making customers’ loan. They counted that they earn more money by using these advantage then selling a new car.
Toyota’s two distributors created their own Blue Ocean in Red Ocean of car market. “One of distributors is SouthEast Toyota in Florida, which controls all Toyota sales in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and North and South Carolina. Another is Gulf States Toyota of Houston, which runs all 150 dealers in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi.” If customers bought Toyota’s car in these states, they were bought from Toyota’s two distributors. They could control their market as Shiny Blue Ocean like monopoly.

  • Toyota's Future View

Electronic Standbility Control Standard Model is now future view of the car marketing. Toyota's developed technology which is famiar with environment, such as hybrid gas and electric cars. They are on right way.

Scott Burgess. “Toyota: The Truth about Cars” Nov 6, 06
< http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/editorials/toyota-the-weakness/>

ST #:20601011 Tae Sung Kim

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