2008년 3월 27일 목요일

What does it take to make a great successful entrepreneur? An ability to accurately predict the future would be good. But we all know that that only happens in the movies. However a close approximation to predicting the future is possible. This is done by research, research, and more research. In other words, preparation. Researching to see past trends and getting to conclusions through those past trends could lead an entrepreneur to predicting the future.
The first character of this article tells about how he gathered information about the neighborhood and the direction it planned to go. This gave him an idea as to what the future of that neighborhood would be and what the needs of that specific area would be like. The information he gathered and the conclusion he ended up with drew him a picture of what he should invest in matching his business to the needs of this neighborhood.
As an entrepreneur, there is always a big risk to take when starting a new business in a new place. It is obvious that a business has a 50/50 chance of surviving. However this is not the case when there is plenty of research and preparation done. Researching and analyzing the pros and cons of the whole situation its durability and its potential.
However as unstable markets are, businesses are also unstable. In the face of these threats and hardships the only thing the entrepreneur can do is research hard and leave it up to God to do the rest. Not just stop with the research after the business opens, but continually making it a habit to research around and gaining knowledge about the external factors that may or may not affect the business. These types of preparations are essential for the development of a successful business. And a great business means a great entrepreneur.

20100656 - Entry #3

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