2008년 3월 13일 목요일

1. Sports business strategy in the point of SWOT

Original article

The article, that I made a link above is about a scheme to make people, who are working in the outdoor sports center more professional and qualified on their job. While I was reading the article, I want to expand the contents of this article to train and upbringing competent sports leader.
Since I'm taking Business strategy class this semester, this time, I want to approach things in the point of view "SWOT". SWOT, as we learned, is about strength, weakness, opportunity and threat which are well-known, basic, essential and important in the business strategy.

Internal environment

S: What are the Strengths of investing much money to cultivate outstanding sports managers?
First, It will be a lot easier to control many athletes systematically, and effectively.
Secondly, as coach(sports manager)'s ability goes higher, we can expect higher quality of sports.

W: Weakness of investing a lot of money to rear excellent sports leaders.
Spending much money on upbringing professional coach could make it a bit neglect on welfare or the other circumstances of athletes. In conclusion, it will lower athlete's ability. Lastly, as coach's power is getting bigger, the chances for them to abuse their power are also bigger. So they might adopt an expedient when they lift a player for their sake. For instance, they might take a bribe.

External environment

O: What will be the opportunities when we invest lots of money to bringing up good sports managers.
If we keep trying this kind of effort on doing it, it will be developed to huge industry, which is named as biz-sports. Then, finally we will meet expansion of sports market by the higher quality of their plays. In addition, there will be an increase in number of people who want to play popular sports. It will have influence on demand of sporting goods. Then, sports market will be changed larger.

T: The threats would be the short of institutes or organization to raise competent leaders. For example, there are only few soccer management university in the whole earth like University of Liverpool football industry MBA course. Or the other industry like sports technology which could be replace sports leadership's role. After all, the sports leader upbringing industry will be deteriorated.

Analysis by SWOT

SO: The case between strength and opportunity is ideal connection of SWOT. Since these two are all positive things, keeping business and developing those good points are important. That way we can offer good quality game to fans and expect rapid growth in sports management. Finally, a lot of industry that are related to this will make a lot of profits.

ST: This is to maximize internal strength and minimize external threat. Therefore we should conserve and develop the strengths as we are advertising the importance of sports management and updating the facilities (solution for threats) .

WO: This is the relation between weakness and opportunity. As the words represent, the key point of this is making up internal weaknesses and taking advantages of opportunities as much as possible. By systematizing basic stuff about coach’s(sports leader’s) lifting players and managing team, we can lessen coach’s arbitrary decision or taking advantage of his absolute power.

WT: This type could be worst of these four. But as we know crisis is another chance to succeed. When it comes to this situation, we should make a hard effort to fix weaknesses simultaneously threats. As I mentioned above, we can lessen internal weakness through lessening coach’s arbitrary decision or taking advantage of his absolute power also overcome external threats by advertising the importance of sports management, enlarging managing organizations or institutes, and making it up-to-date.

Management is the control and organizing of a business or other organization(collins cobuild). It is not confined to certain area. It is widely related to business, art, music, architect, sports. In addition, there are a lot of competitors in the same sector. Therefore how to manage something effectively and efficiently in each sector is very important. That’s what business strategy for.

:English dictionary(Collins cobuild)
:introduction to management(Kim Yungkyu/parkyoungsa)

Moon Jooyung 20601016

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