2008년 3월 21일 금요일


I’ve had my own share of service jobs. They are not the most pleasant of jobs. They are physically and most of all mentally challenging because, where there are people, there is bound to be a fight. I don’t mean physical fights (although there are a few service jobs that are at more risk to be exposed to fights), I mean arguments between the employee and the customer. The customers are entitled and have the right to those services that each business should offer. However there are situations in which some customers think that they are being cheated from this service. Many complaints come in because of the poor service. To prevent this, businesses have adapted a customer-friendly environment that offers the best of services to their buyers. In some places, customers are treated with such respect like the Korean saying says “Customers are kings”. All of us have to admit that it is really hard and stressful to actually humble oneself to this position and offer this kind of service. However workers of low wages in the service businesses are trained and are expected to offer this kind of service. For this “king-like” service the customers leave tips.

The people who actually do this kind of job and offer this service are the low paid workers who clean the tables, talk to customers, and stand through all the complaints and arguments of the customers. Tips are and should be offered to these types of workers, not the managers.

Starbucks got sued for cheating their workers from these tips, tips that were rightfully entitled to these workers. Starbucks might argue that the work managers and workers execute are similar and they most of the time only see a very thin line that divides each of their work boundaries. Yes that might be true in some occasions; however, managers are paid more than workers. Normal workers are paid a lesser amount and maybe not in Korea but in other countries these workers depend on these tips to compensate their rough working conditions.

Working conditions such as these could affect the quality of service and work integrity in the work place. Giving the company a bad reputation and eventually ending in poor business and a drop in sales. Starbucks and other companies alike should clarify the working conditions and limits to which each employee is responsible of. Although working limits in business industries are hard to set there must be set regulations that divide the work according to their pay check.

20100656 (#2)

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