2008년 5월 8일 목요일

20601011 Entry # 9

1969 Gap Revolution

Don Fisher, Gap Inc. Founder and Chairman Emeritus created Gap with simple idea. They keep basic principal to make clothes. In 1969, Americans have jeans revolution. Gap Inc. catches what people want which is demand. When Gap created company, their purpose to make clothes is that “to make it easy for you to express your personal style throughout your life.”

Gap’s leadership

If people see the clothes between Gap and banana republic, they might find out those clothes styles are not really different. The differences are price and little bit more luxury. Banana Republic is a division of Gap Inc. It is a similar as car business. When car business starts their business, they release new model with low price and high quantity. When car companies try to change their brand conception, they release new brands with different high luxury model with high price. Gap’s purpose is to make simple to move. When Gap differentiates their image, they release new brand which is banana republic.

Marketing Department

Gap has several marketing department. For example, International marketing department, Outlet department, and Social responsibility department are the most managing marketing departments to keep their customers. International market departments work to know the difference style and culture of international market. Outlet department are managing to send over products to outlet mall. Their social responsibility is maintaining their after service. As they manage well, their recognition of brand images are top 30 companies in the world.


When they started business, they target their customer around 20~30. Now, they target all age. As they have many marketing department, they are investing their money in R&D. As R&D improves their quality, they develop better and better. As they target all age, their market is getting bigger.


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