2008년 5월 2일 금요일

20601016 Entry # 8 - A real threat to Google

original article

IPhone as tipping point

We generally think that Google’s rivals are companies like Microsoft, or yahoo. However Google’s real rivals are not those companies any more but cell phone companies. The cell phone industry has been emerging as a dreadful threat to Google.

SWOT analysis

1. strength
Firstly Google is fundamentally focused on the purpose what portal is to be, whereas the others(naver, yahoo, daum etc.) are more focused on their commercial purpose. If we just get into Google, we will be noticing simplicity, neat and ease arrangement of contents compare to any other portals. In this point Google is competitive and carrying its roll very well. Secondly, it offers lots of functions so that customers can do any work that they need to do in one site. It surely offers ‘searching engine’, ‘images’, ‘dictionary’, ‘G-mail service’, ‘google office’, ‘blogs’ and so on.

2. weakness
As I mentioned in the strength part, it has not deeply interacted with companies like the other sites. At this point, there is limitation of its revenue and service route. Also, unorganized web searched result can be one of weaknesses. When we search on the internet using Google, so much of information pop up without being organized by its categories. So we sometimes have hard time getting the information that exactly we wanted.

3. Opportunity
We cannot deny the truth that Google is Number 1 portal site in the world. It has been considered as the best site and getting lots of recognition by people. Thi
s is one of great opportunities of Google, and source of its power. Corporate image is very important(not just corporate image but any image to anything) to company. If it’s good it will produce lots of profits to the company, otherwise companies will go bankrupt easily. In this point Google has lots of potential to grow more. Because most of things that it invent(release) in the future will be sold well unless it’s surely bad or inferior.

4. Threat
So far, normally we can fit about 10 ads on a standard computer. But on your ce
ll phone, if you type in a search query at google.com you get only one or two paid ads in response. In addition to this if web on the cell-phone has been prevailed, it will cause fatal effect to Google. As we expect, it is pretty sure that Google company income will be exponentially decreased. Then it will also bring about low-recognition. Like this, bad effect will cause other bad ones. It’s getting worse and worse like this.

As technologies are continually developing and new technologies are emerging rapidly, preexistent market will meet a crisis. To overcome these, innovation and modification by thorough R&D and enlightening or training every single employee systematically are fully required. Also following up-to-date technological trend and pursuing customer-centered market strategy will be helpful to lead the company successful.

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