2008년 5월 5일 월요일


It’s true that beauty can sell. And the price of this beauty? 35 Million dollars. Currently ranking number one for beauty by popular vote is Brazilian model Giselle Bundchen. Loved and worshipped by many because of her astounding beauty and magnetically cheerful character. She is above even the most famous models that the previous generation knew such as Heidi Klum and Kate Moss. Giselle and these other girls are raking in money by presenting their physical characteristics to companies to sell their products.Indeed, advertising and giving a brand or product a face is important however is it that important? Important enough to pay 35 million dollars for it? In my experience I totally agree. It is truly worth it to give a product a face, and while they are at it, if it is a pretty face, it will definitely attract more people. Clothes lines, foods, electronics. All products can be advertised and be-friended the customer just by adding a pretty smile to it. A friend of mine actually used to buy a specific type of peanut butter because it had the picture of an attractive lady on it. As we all have heard repetitively, humans are very simpleminded. We can be influenced by such small unnoticed things, and these beautiful women are one of those things. Displaying an attractive woman on the advertisements for their products can can target more than just mere pleasure for men. It also reaps a large amount of envious females who look at these female models as their role models or their despised enemies. No matter what they are, it all comes down to wanting to look like these models. If this psychology is going through the populations of consumers, then maybe 35 million is still a cheap price to pay these models.

20100656 entry # 9

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