2008년 5월 22일 목요일

Entry #11 20601011

Origianl Articles

Where Music Lives

Music Business Industry

When people think about movie star or famous singers, it exactly connected with rich. One of the biggest music industry company in the world is M.net corporation. Their business strategy is using web TV to conquer the world TV show market.

History of M.NET

“The Electronic Media Network Limited was founded in 1985 as South Africa's first private subscription television service. The first broadcast, comprising one 12-hour channel, went out in October 1986.” “Today, M-Net boasts an array of general entertainment and niche channels and broadcasts to over 1,23 million subscribers in 41 countries across Africa.” When I check the history of M.Net, they are going to world market and trying to diversify their programs that are not just music but movie and many sections.

Mission Statement

“'To create the best television entertainment in Africa and beyond.'” Most people would agree with this mission statement, they now achieved the company goals. Even, they affects to the politics by using famous stars to help their corporation. As star earn much money, M. Corporation get much more money than stars.

Charity Program

They started their business in South Africa. They open many charity programs by using famous stars. As many peoples checking out the M.Net, they are all customers to attract in their programs. It has also good effects and bad effects. For Christian, they also open many secular programs, too.


They sell many shows. They also make money by giving opportunity to have advertisement. It has great effect to the company. Many companies spend more than $5M for 30 seconds advertisement. M.Net give awards to the people who did the best show or movie. It is also great advertisement for the stars. They also get much invest money to take more film industry.


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